The BOX with Asynchronous Coaching: Second Edition


This course is unlike any other.

You will receive:

❒ Your very own B❒X to write, draw, wear, tear, remove and improve to challenge your thinking to produce breakthrough results.
❒ A full step by step video walk through of The B❒X Experience.
❒ Asynchronous coaching through each of the main learning points of your B❒X with Jimbo Clark, The B❒X Creator.

❒ As an added bonus, you will receive a downloadable copy of The B❒X Book (a $20 value) so you can begin your learning journey before your physical B❒X arrives. 

Terms and Conditions of The BOX with Asynchronous Coaching: Second Edition


Don’t just think out of the box…

Learn how to Build a Better BOX.

One that is aligned to the future you want and deserve, rather than past that no longer exists.



Second Edition Introduction

This is truly a Workshop in a B❒X 

Once you register we will ship your very own B❒X to use to expand your thinking to generate new behaviors that will empower new results.


A course on “out of the B❒X thinking” needs to be a little different, and you will find that this course is unlike any self-study program you have attended.

Each lesson includes:

❒ Video introductions to each element of your B❒X.
Open your mind to deeper self understanding and new possibilities.
❒ Walk throughs of how to reflect, draw, wear, tear, share and repair your B❒X…
Change your B❒X, change your world.
❒ Asynchronous coaching around each component of The B❒X.
You are not alone.

NOTE: You are invited to participate in this course for your own benefit and completion of the course does not provide you with the rights to deliver B❒X based programs.